Sorry again for the slow updates! MAiZ is NOT over/dead/finished. 

It has been nearly 12 months since the comic went on hiatus, and I’m very sorry for people who are interested to see where this goes. As do I!

The Covid-crisis affecting everyone has made working difficult, even in my regular job. It’s also affected my writing, which I’ve voiced on Twitter a few times. However I have been getting help, talking to family and friends, getting counseling and looking after myself.

MAiZ is always on my mind though. Even if my writing is suffering, drawing has always been a joy, and helps me keep practicing by drawing this adorable dork:

My plan (or hope) is to get the story underway early-to-mid May. I guess this is more to let people know that yes, I’m still here, I’m still going and MAiZ will return.

As always, thank you for sticking around, for supporting MAiZ and it’s characters, even going so far as to draw fan art of them. It honestly means the world to me.

For everyone out there also struggling with everything going on, I hope you’re okay and doing well. You are all amazing.

Please look after yourself, be safe and we’ll hopefully talk again soon!