Progress on Chapter 12 + Volume 2
I’m deeply sorry for the lack of updates these many, many, MANY, months! Personal life has had to take the forefront and I’m still struggling to get the time to work on both the comic and compile everything for Volume 2.
If it’s not apparent, I’m not very good at keeping up with posts or schedules as I’ve always thought It’d be better to update something if…well, if there’s something to update!
That said, I’ve been focusing what time I can get on developing Chapter 12, aiming to ideally get this adventure back underway before the end of the year.
I’m extremely grateful that people are still interested in MAiZ, even going so far to provide some fan art here and there! It honestly makes me so happy that people care for Meli, Jaz and the gang.
Thank you so much for sticking around! Considering the last chapter ended with Meli about to throw down, I want it to be worth the wait!