The awesome Jhoan Aguilar has kindly offered to translate MAiZ into Spanish, which he’s currently in the process of doing!
Really cool to see the comic translated into another language, so I hope Spanish folks will get a kick out of it
The awesome Jhoan Aguilar has kindly offered to translate MAiZ into Spanish, which he’s currently in the process of doing!
Really cool to see the comic translated into another language, so I hope Spanish folks will get a kick out of it
Answered a few more questions over on the MAiZ Tumblr blog, some I’ve been meaning to respond to for a while! Feel free to ask a question of your own!
Probably should stop overthinking these questions…
2015 has started off with a lot more stress and responsibility than I had hoped. My priorities have had to focus more on finding work so I can earn money to defeat this cruel and dark master that is the “Australian Tax Office” (oh, and buy food, pay the bills, cover server costs etc etc)
Thus, for now, MAiZ is on hold. Again. Hopefully production can resume over the next month, give or take an apocalypse.
I will continue to create art and finish commissions over on my deviantArt page and art blog. I’ll also keep the Facebook and Tumblr page updated periodically, especially with a lot of the neat questions people have asked, so there will be some content at least.
In the meantime, I need to get Meli out from under those crippling-stone bricks of paaaaaaain…
With Christmas upon us, a plethora of commissions to work on and an animated project in the works, the production of MAiZ chapter 7 is slooooowed. Bleaaaagh.
I will try my best to make time to work on new pages over the holiday break (I’m very excited for this new chapter!) If I’m unable to make it before the end of the year, we’ll start off 2015 with a healthy helping of MAiZ!
In the meantime, I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas / holiday break!
The picture honestly started out as a cute scene of Jaz in a Christmas box. Then this happened…
Back to answering more questions on the MAiZ Tumblr blog. Been good getting new questions every so often, especially asking the characters themselves.
Welcome to ask a question as well about MAiZ and its characters! Leave a question at